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02/03.12.11 International Language Symposium, Dublin

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Je présente un article au Symposium Language, Migration and Diaspora, à Dublin, qui a lieu les 2 et 3 décembre 2011.
La conférence est organisée par DIT, School of Languages, avec le soutien de la Royal Irish Academy.

plus d'informations sur le symposium ici.

Mon article est intitulé Bilingual Space and Spatial Translations : Migrant's cognitive experience from and architectural perspective 

I am presenting a paper at the Language, Migration and Diaspora Symposium in Dublin
taking place on the 2nd and 3rd December 2011.
The conference is organised by the DIT School of Languages with support from the Royal Irish Academy.

more information here

My paper's title is: Bilingual Space and Spatial Translations : Migrant's cognitive experience from and architectural perspective